Seven.days.with.the.Ghost (2).rar
A .zip or .rar file is a file that stores and compresses one or more other files. Recently, I tried downloading albums from my Flickr account, but I often received the same error message when opening the .zip file: Unexpceted end of archive. Very frustrating; the message was still there even after redownloading that zip file.
Seven.days.with.the.Ghost (2).rar
There is, however, a solution. This will explain the solution when using WinRar, but it should also work in other popular file archive programs. Also, this error message can appear on various archive filetypes, including .rar, .zip, .tar, .tar.gz
You will then be asked in what folder the repaired archive should be saved. Choose a folder. The archive type should be the same as the file extension of the original file (so if it is a .zip file, choose ZIP and for a .rar. choose Rar). Click OK.
Hi,I just run into some kind of malware that doesn't allow most of the .exe files in my laptop to run.My system: Windows 10 on an HP laptop with Intel i7Basically I started uncompressing a .rar file using the 7-zip software (which I had used in other occasions without any problems) As soon as I try to uncompress the rar file, most other executable icons turn into the 7-zip software icon and most other executable (but not all) don't run. If I click on them the 7-zip software executes.Even system software such as Task Manager can't run. If I try to install a new software, immediately the 7-zip fie interface appears.My Avast ANtivirus software doesn't detect it (haven't yet tried to restar the laptop so that Avast can scan the boot sectors, for fear to not being able to access my data at all after restart)Not all programs seem to be affected though. For example notepad.exe or Adobe Acrobat Reader, the Calculator and some others aren't.But basically it has taken control of my laptopWhat kind of virus is this? What can I do to remove it safely?Best regards
I got this game in the bundle and was pretty excited about it but after I unzipped the file and selected the windows version it refused to open, saying my computer cannot run .rar files. Does anyone know how to fix this?
.asp, .aspx, .avi, .bk, .bmp, .css, .csv, .divx, .doc, .docx, .eml, .htm, .html, .index, .jpeg, .jpg, .lnk, .mdb, .mkv, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .msg, .odt, .ogg .pdf, .php, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .psd, .rar, .sln, .sql, .txt, .wav, .wma, .wmv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .zip
And then this is where it gets interesting: The first folder has 14,669 .rar files in it whilst the second has a further 8,949 .rar files giving a grand total of 23,618 files. This is where the "more than 23,000 hacked databases" headlines come from as this is how many files are in the archive. Because it's relevant to the story and especially relevant to people who find their data in this breach via an HIBP search, I'm going to list the two sets of files in their entirety via the following Gists:
Let's drill deeper now and take a look inside one of these files and I'm going to pick " 1.515.111 [HASH+NOHASH] (Arts)_special_for_XSS.IS.rar" simply because it's one of the larger ones. Here's the contents:
At least one other site in the collection was previously (publicly) known to have been breached and in this particular case, was already in HIBP. For example, " 287.560 [HASH+NOHASH] (Adult)_special_for_XSS.IS.rar" is already in HIBP as a sensitive breach. I'm sure there are probably others too so inevitably this isn't 100% new data, let's see if we can put a number on that:
This level is the first ever level set on Isla Nublar. It starts out in a location directly from the movie where the player takes the role of Dennis Nedry who must make it to the East Dock with the Barbasol can full of dinosaur embryos. Filled with several new models with a Jurassic Park 1 theme, this level is certainly one that a Jurassic Park fan will enjoy!Note: The download has been split into two parts for those who can't download the single 123MB file in a single session. The first one is 58 MB, and the second is 65 MB. Both together contain the same folder/file structure from the original, you just need to extract them together into the same folder and then follow the original instructions. -data.rar -MAPS.rar
A test level for the Escape from Jurassic Park mod.So what is this? Well back in 2009 and 2010. Draconisaurus and I were talking about Jurassic Park Rampage Edition in the Games board. I started showing him music rips of the 16-bit games I did, the topic went severely off subject and Drac got an idea from there.The idea, was to create a mod based upon a mix of the 16-bit JP games from the 90's. Among them: Jurassic Park for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Jurassic Park Rampage Edition for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Jurassic Park for Super Nintendo, and Jurassic Park 2: The Chaos Continues for Super Nintendo. I also recently thought of the Sega CD JP game as well.However, the project has been canned by Drac due to lack of time. It's likely it may die if somebody doesn't revive it. I want to be that person, but my modding experience is very poor. As a result, I need some help from anyone willing to. I need modellers, graphical artists, voice actors, and anyone willing to help. I also need someone willing to help me with adding music to TPAs as this is the core of the project in addition to low quality cartoony graphics to fit the 16-bit game feel Drac had planned. For the basic Synopsis Drac had planned and some other text documents related to the project, download the EFJP_Text.rar file.
I was screwing around with different ideas as to how to generate snowfall and the attachment is one of the options I conjured up. The setup would work for a small area of woods or clearing, but it isn't something you could use through an entire level. The level download is rather small, 528kbs if someone wanted to give it a look. A generic .scn file (doesn't care about directory) is inside the snow .zip file in case you need to replace the one inside the .rar file
This is the winning level of the Week of Trespasser 2007 Contest. You need the and contestlev-130.swp files contained in the Contest Level package (contestlevel_release.rar, found in the "Editing" section) for the level to actually work, as per Contest rules, entries could only contain the .wtd, .scn and .grf files.
One reason you might opt to use Terminal is that it allows you to hide any file or folder on your Mac, which is a great way to avoid that sense of residual curiosity felt by others should they come across a password protected .rar on your desktop! To hide files, just: 041b061a72